We aim to give all students the knowledge and skills needed for ABRSM Music Theory exams for Grades 1 – 5. A pass at Grade 5 or above in Music Theory must be obtained before candidates can enter for Grades 6, 7 or 8 in their Practical exams. Our learn music online syllabus covers each Grade, taught through pre-recorded video lessons, with access to our vast resource of online tests.
Each Syllabus will provide you with an opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge to pass each grade for your theory exam. This knowledge will open up many doors for aspiring musicians, having an understanding of theory will increase your opportunities of playing music with others by joining local groups, bands or orchestra’s and enjoying playing with like minded musicians. ABRSM currently works in over 90 different countries around the world so there is probably the opportunity for you to sit an exam wherever you maybe in the world.
Grade 1
Taking you step by step learning your Accidentals, Major Scales, Tonic Triads and many more…
Grade 2
Learning with lessons, video tutorials and online tests take a closer look at Major and Minor scales, Ledger Lines, Time Signatures and much more...
Grade 3
Learn about Compound Time, Transposition, Ledger Lines, try out our online tests and more...
Grade 4
Lessons and video tutorials with self marking tests covering Alto clef, Enharmonic equivalents, Duplets, Triads and more...
With the wealth of resources available to you at your fingertips from video tutorials, in depth lessons in each syllabus and the opportunity to try sample lessons before you buy, we believe that we are one of the most comprehensive music theory resources available.