Resources and Support For Schools Teaching Music Theory Online
Music Theory Online For Schools

What Is MTO For Schools?
MTO will prepare your pupils for their ABRSM music theory exams. The pupils can learn from Grade 1 to Grade 5 using a wealth of resources such as pre-recorded videos and worked examples to make learning clear and concise.
At Music Theory Online we want to make our resources accessible to schools and allow both pupils and teachers extra support. Using their school login, students can continue to use the resource, when music lesson time is reduced, giving themselves tests as their homework.
All a school needs is a computer and internet access. Lessons are provided by an experienced tutor using pre-recorded videos, lessons and online tests.
If you would like more details on our syllabus that suits most class’s requirements. Please get in touch for more details using the form below.

What help do pupils get?
All pupils have access to the complete range of resources to help them with their music theory studies. Being an online resource, they can continue their studies whilst at home, at their friends, or even abroad.
MTO for schools provide three main areas of study for each module.
1. Lesson introduction, followed by worked examples.
2. Online tutorials in the form of video lectures.
3. Question and Answer tests automatically marked when submitted.
In addition, under the instruction of their teacher, pupils can sit a final online exam with the results sent to the teacher and a copy sent to the pupil.
Although MTO for Schools focuses on the ABRSM exam syllabus, all material is relevant to the school curriculum and general music theory study.

How We Can Help Teachers
Teachers need all the help they can get in providing pupils with a sound educational foundation. The study of music and in particular, the study of music theory, has often been given fewer hours in the school timetable. MTO for schools allows pupils to study at school and at home providing them with a better opportunity to succeed.
These resources include an online test for each grade. The tests are automatically marked and provide the teacher with results and an exam breakdown for each individual question. This facility will of course save hours of teacher marking time.
Download the Music Theory Online for Schools manual to see exactly what’s on offer.
Video tutorials about Managing Students, Groups & Classes, Assignments & Reports.
Please get in touch for more details using the form below.