Write the tonic triads named below, using the correct key signature for each.
- Grade 1: Accidentals
- Grade 1: Adding missing bar lines
- Grade 1: Intervals
- Grade 1: Key signatures
- Grade 1: Major scales
- Grade 1: Notes & note values
- Grade 1: Questions on a melody
- Grade 1: Simple time signatures
- Grade 1: Single dotted notes & rests
- Grade 1: Terms & Signs
- Grade 1: The Stave
- Grade 1: Tonic Triads
- Grade 1: Treble & bass clefs
Grade 1: Tonic Triads: Introduction
The key note, or first degree of the scale, has another name: the tonic. The tonic triad is a group of three notes: the key-note plus the 3rd and 5th degrees above it. Below are three tonic triads in C major:
Grade 1: Tonic Triads
Grade 1: Tonic Triads
Download the following questions or write the notes on manuscript before completing.
Question 1
Name the keys of each of these tonic triads.

Answer 1
See the image for your answers

Question 2

Answer 2
See the image for the answers.