Add the time signature to this melody.
- Grade 1: Accidentals
- Grade 1: Adding missing bar lines
- Grade 1: Intervals
- Grade 1: Key signatures
- Grade 1: Major scales
- Grade 1: Notes & note values
- Grade 1: Questions on a melody
- Grade 1: Simple time signatures
- Grade 1: Single dotted notes & rests
- Grade 1: Terms & Signs
- Grade 1: The Stave
- Grade 1: Tonic Triads
- Grade 1: Treble & bass clefs
Grade 1: Simple time signatures: Introduction
The time signatures you will need to know in grade 1 are:
2/4, 3/4 & 4/4.
Let’s look at each one in turn.
2/4 means two crotchet beats in a bar
The ‘2’ is the number of beats per bar and the ‘4’ indicates the beats are crotchets. As you can see the time signature 2/4 doesn’t mean all the notes have to be crotchets but each bar must be the equivalent value to 2 crotchet beats.
Here is another example of 2/4 time.
The ‘2’ indicates beats and the ‘4’ indicates crotchets
Here is an example of 3/4 time.
3/4 means three crotchet beats in a bar
The ‘3’ is the number of beats per bar and the ‘4’ indicates the beats are crotchets. Again you can see the time signature 3/4 doesn’t mean all the notes have to be crotchets but each bar must be the equivalent value to 3 crotchet beats.
Here is another example of 3/4 time.
The ‘3’ indicates beats and the ‘4’ indicates crotchets
Here is an example of 4/4 time.
4/4 means four crotchet beats in a bar
The upper ‘4’ is the number of beats per bar and the lower ‘4’ indicates the beats are crotchets. As above you can see the time signature 4/4 doesn’t mean all the notes have to be crotchets but each bar must be the equivalent value to 4 crotchet beats.
Here is another example of 4/4 time.
The upper ‘4’ indicates beats and the lower ‘4’ indicates crotchets
Grade 1: Simple time signatures
Grade 1: Simple time signatures
Download the following questions or write the notes on manuscript before completing.
Question 1

Answer 1
If you analyse each bar you can see that there is the equivalent of four crotchet beats per bar. Remember that two quaver beats equals the same value as a crotchet and the minim beat is the same as two crotchets. The dotted crotchet is equal to a beat and a half.

Question 2
Add the time signature to this melody.

Answer 2
If you analyse each bar you can see that there is the equivalent of three crotchet beats per bar. Remember that two quaver beats equals the same value as a crotchet and the minim beat is the same as two crotchets. The dotted crotchet is equal to a beat and a half. This example includes the dotted quaver and semiquaver. The value of these notes added together equals a crotchet.

Question 3
Add the time signature to this melody.

Answer 3
If you analyse each bar you can see that there is the equivalent of two crotchet beats per bar. Remember that two quaver beats equals the same value as a crotchet and the minim beat is the same as two crotchets. The dotted quaver followed by the semiquaver is the same value as one crotchet.

Question 4
Add the time signature to this melody.

Answer 4
If you analyse each bar you can see that there is the equivalent of three crotchet beats per bar. Remember that two quaver beats equals the same value as a crotchet and the minim beat is the same as two crotchets. The dotted crotchet is equal to a beat and a half.

Question 5
Add the time signature to this melody.

Answer 5
If you analyse each bar you can see that there is the equivalent of three crotchet beats per bar. Remember that two quaver beats equals the same value as a crotchet and the minim beat is the same as two crotchets. The value of four semiquavers is the same as a crotchet beat. Notice in this example we have included a crotchet rest.

Question 6
Add the time signature to this melody.

Answer 6
If you analyse each bar you can see that there is the equivalent of four crotchet beats per bar. Remember that two quaver beats equals the same value as a crotchet and the minim beat is the same as two crotchets. The dotted crotchet is equal to a beat and a half.