Grade 1: Questions on a melody: Introduction

In grade 1 you will be asked questions on a given melody.

This task is aimed at testing your understanding of the elements of the grade 1 syllabus, therefore it is advisable to study all the modules of the grade before attempting these questions.

Grade 1: Questions on a melody

Grade 1: Questions on a melody

Download the following questions or write the notes on manuscript before completing.

Question 1

Look at the melody then answer the questions below.

Give the meaning of each of these:


mf ……………..

the dots below the notes in bar 3………..

cresc (bar 6)………….

This melody is in the key of F major. Name the degree of the scale (e.g. 2nd, 3rd, 4th) of the first note in the melody (marked * )………

Give the number of a bar that contains all the notes of the tonic triad. Remember that the key is F major. Bar…

How many bars contain a semibreve? …………

Draw a circle around a note that you think will sound the quietest.

Give the letter name of the lowest note in the melody…………..

Answer 1

Allegro ….quick…

mf …..mezzo forte – moderately loud…

the dots below the notes in bar 3. …..staccato – short and detatched…

cresc (bar 6). …..gradually getting lounder….

This melody is in the key of F major. Name the degree of the scale (e.g. 2nd, 3rd, 4th) of the first note in the melody (marked * )……….5th……

Give the number of a bar that contains all the notes of the tonic triad. Remember that the key is F major. Bar….3…

How many bars contain a semibreve? …..2…

Draw a circle around a note that you think will sound the quietest. ..See below….

Give the letter name of the lowest note in the melody. …..F……

Question 2

Look at the melody then answer the questions.

Give the meaning of each of these:

Allegretto ……….

p ………….



This melody is in the key of C major. Name the degree of the scale (e.g. 2nd, 3rd, 4th) of the last note in the melody (marked *)……….

Give the letter name of the highest note in the melody…………

How many bars contain semiquavers? ………….

Draw a circle around a note which is not in the key of C major.

Give the letter name of the lowest note in the melody…………

Answer 2

Allegretto …fairly quick, but not as quick as allegro….

p ..piano – soft………

poco. …a little……..

cresc. …gradually getting louder……

This melody is in the key of C major. Name the degree of the scale (e.g. 2nd, 3rd, 4th) of the last note in the melody (marked *). ….3rd…

Give the letter name of the highest note in the melody. ..F…..

How many bars contain semiquavers? …2…

Draw a circle around a note which is not in the key of C major.  …see below……

Give the letter name of the lowest note in the melody. ….B…

Question 3

Look at the melody then answer the questions below.

Give the meaning of each of these:





This melody is in the key of D major. Draw a bracket over three notes next to each other that make the tonic triad of this key………..

Draw a circle around the lowest note………..

Give the time name of the shortest note……….

In which bar is the performer told to pause or hold on to the note?  Bar………..

Give the letter name of the highest note in the melody……….

Answer 3

adagio ……slow…

cantabile ….in a singing style…

rall. ..gradually getting slower (rallentando)….

pp. .very soft …..(pianissimo)….

This melody is in the key of D major. Draw a bracket over three notes next to each other that make the tonic triad of this key.

Draw a circle around the lowest note. …see below…

Give the time name of the shortest note…….semiquaver…

In which bar is the performer told to pause or hold on to the note? Bar…….8…

Give the letter name of the highest note in the melody. ….B…

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