Grade 1: Notes & note values: Introduction

The following are the basic notes that you will need to know for your grade 1 exam.

Grade 1: Notes & note values

Grade 1: Notes & note values

Download the following questions or write the notes on manuscript before completing.

Question 1

You will be required to give the letter name of notes on either a treble or bass clef. You will need to include the sharp or flat sign where necessary.

Give the letter name of each of the notes marked *, including the sharp or flat sign where necessary. The first note is given.

Answer 1


Question 2

Write the notes below on manuscript or print this page then complete the question.

Give the letter name of each of the notes marked *, including the sharp or flat sign where necessary. The first note is given.

Answer 2

Question 3

Write the notes below on manuscript or print this page then complete the question.

Give the letter name of each of the notes marked *, including the sharp or flat sign where necessary. The first note is given.

Answer 3

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