Add the correct clef and any necessary sharp or flat signs to make the scale named below. Do not use a key signature.
- Grade 1: Accidentals
- Grade 1: Adding missing bar lines
- Grade 1: Intervals
- Grade 1: Key signatures
- Grade 1: Major scales
- Grade 1: Notes & note values
- Grade 1: Questions on a melody
- Grade 1: Simple time signatures
- Grade 1: Single dotted notes & rests
- Grade 1: Terms & Signs
- Grade 1: The Stave
- Grade 1: Tonic Triads
- Grade 1: Treble & bass clefs
Grade 1: Major scales: Introduction
* It is advisable to read the following modules before attempting questions on major scales:
2. The stave
A simple scale is made up of eight notes placed on a stave. The notes are formed on lines and spaces.
The scale of C major is shown below. The C major scale consists of the notes C, D, E, F, G, A, B & C. If you were to play this scale on a piano keyboard you would use all white notes.
All major scales will consist of the following tones and semitones. Tone, Tone, Semitone, Tone, Tone, Tone, Semitone. TTSTTTS for short. The C major scale below shows this sequence.
If we start a scale on the note G we have to include an F# in our scale to maintain the TTSTTTS sequence. See below:
In grade 1 you will need to be familiar with the following key signatures:
- C major – nothing in the key signature
- G major – F#
- D major – F# C#
- F major – Bb
The scale questions maybe in treble or bass clef and should be completed using semibreves throughout.
Grade 1: Major scales
Grade 1: Major scales
Download the following questions or write the notes on manuscript before completing.
Question 1

Answer 1
To make the first note the key note we need a treble clef. As we are not writing a key signature we need to include the F# as shown to make the named scale.

Question 2
Add the correct clef and any necessary sharp or flat signs to make the scale named below. Do not use a key signature.

Answer 2
To make the first note the key note we need a bass clef. As we are not writing a key signature we need to include the Bb as shown to make the named scale.

Question 3
Add the correct clef and any necessary sharp or flat signs to make the scale named below. Do not use a key signature.

Answer 3
To make the first note the key note we need a bass clef. As we are not writing a key signature we need to include the F# & C# as shown to make the named scale.