Write as a breve (double whole note) an enharmonic equivalent of the last note in the extract.
- Grade 4: Alto Clef
- Grade 4: Chromatic scale
- Grade 4: Double dotted notes
- Grade 4: Double sharps & flats
- Grade 4: Duplets
- Grade 4: Enharmonic equivalents
- Grade 4: Grouping of notes
- Grade 4: Intervals
- Grade 4: Ornaments
- Grade 4: Questions on a melody
- Grade 4 : Rests
- Grade 4: Scales & key signatures
- Grade 4: Technical names
- Grade 4: Terms
- Grade 4: The breve
- Grade 4: Time Signatures
- Grade 4: Triads
Grade 4: Enharmonic equivalents: Introduction
In modern music, an enharmonic is a note which is the equivalent of some other note, but spelled differently. Take a look at the keyboard below, you will see that there are many enharmonic notes.
C#/Db – D#/Eb – E#/F – F#/Gb – G#/Ab – A#/Bb – B#/C
All the above are known as enharmonic equivalents. C# is the same as Db, D# is the same as Eb.
In the examination you may be asked to write an enharmonic equivalent of a particular note. This may mean placing the note in the correct position on a stave that is using a different clef. Sometimes the question may state ‘write as a breve’ an enharmonic equivalent of a particular note. Various breve notations are shown below, however the one on the left is to be used in the grade V examination.
Grade 4: Enharmonic equivalents
Grade 4: Enharmonic equivalents
Download the following questions or write the notes on manuscript before completing.
Enharmonic equivalents: Question 1
Write as a breve (double whole note) an enharmonic equivalent of the last note in the extract.

Enharmonic equivalents: Answer 1
The lower image shows the answer.

Enharmonic equivalents: Question 2

Enharmonic equivalents: Answer 2
The lower image shows the answer.

Enharmonic equivalents: Question 3
Write an enharmonic equivalent of the last note in the extract.

Enharmonic equivalents: Answer 3
The lower image shows the answer.

Enharmonic equivalents: Question 4
Write an enharmonic equivalent of the last note in the extract.

Enharmonic equivalents: Answer 4
The lower image shows the answer.

Enharmonic equivalents: Question 5
Write an enharmonic equivalent of the last note in the extract.

Enharmonic equivalents: Answer 5
The lower image shows the answer.

Enharmonic equivalents: Question 6
Write an enharmonic equivalent of the last note in the extract.

Enharmonic equivalents: Answer 6
The lower image shows the answer.