The tonic triad is made up of the key the 3rd and 5th notes. Using the key note as the bass (lowest note of the triad) complete the triads and add the correct key signatures.
- Grade 4: Alto Clef
- Grade 4: Chromatic scale
- Grade 4: Double dotted notes
- Grade 4: Double sharps & flats
- Grade 4: Duplets
- Grade 4: Enharmonic equivalents
- Grade 4: Grouping of notes
- Grade 4: Intervals
- Grade 4: Ornaments
- Grade 4: Questions on a melody
- Grade 4 : Rests
- Grade 4: Scales & key signatures
- Grade 4: Technical names
- Grade 4: Terms
- Grade 4: The breve
- Grade 4: Time Signatures
- Grade 4: Triads
Grade 4: Alto Clef: Introduction
This module looks at the alto clef. This clef is also known as the C clef as the middle line indicates the note C. This clef is used mainly by the viola. The clef is shown below.
Write the name of each of these notes underneath the image.
Here’s the answer:
Grade 4 includes five sharps and flats. Notice how sharps and flats are laid out on the alto clef below:
Grade 4: Alto Clef
Grade 4: Alto Clef
Download the following questions or write the notes on manuscript before completing.
Alto clef : Question 1

Alto clef : Answer 1

Alto clef: Question 2
Rewrite this extract keeping the notes at the same pitch but using the alto clef.

Alto clef: Answer 2
When working on these questions always relate the note in the question to the position ‘middle C’. Find the position of the new note by relating it to ‘middle C’ on the new stave. Remember when using the alto clef middle C is on the middle line.

Alto clef : Question 3
Rewrite this extract keeping the notes at the same pitch but using the alto clef.

Alto clef : Answer 3
When working on these questions always relate the note in the question to the position ‘middle C’. Find the position of the new note by relating it to ‘middle C’ on the new stave. Remember when using the alto clef middle C is on the middle line. Take note of the change to bass clef at the end of the passage.

Alto clef : Question 4
Rewrite this extract keeping the notes at the same pitch but using the alto clef.

Alto clef : Answer 4
When working on these questions always relate the note in the question to the position ‘middle C’. Find the position of the new note by relating it to ‘middle C’ on the new stave. Remember when using the alto clef middle C is on the middle line.

Alto clef : Question 5
Rewrite this extract keeping the notes at the same pitch but using the treble clef.

Alto clef : Answer 5
When working on these questions always relate the note in the question to the position ‘middle C’. Find the position of the new note by relating it to ‘middle C’ on the new stave. Remember when using the alto clef middle C is on the middle line.

Alto clef: Question 6
Rewrite this extract keeping the notes at the same pitch but using the bass clef.

Alto clef: Answer 6
When working on these questions always relate the note in the question to the position ‘middle C’. Find the position of the new note by relating it to ‘middle C’ on the new stave. Remember when using the alto clef middle C is on the middle line.