Grade 3: Tonic triads: Introduction

Tonic triads are formed by the key note (tonic), the third and fifth. Triads can be built on each degree of the major and minor scale. See example below e.g. C major.

Grade 3: Tonic triads

Grade 3: Tonic triads

Download the following questions or write the notes on manuscript before completing.

Tonic triads: Question 1

Write the tonic triad in each of the following keys. Do not use key signatures, but remember to add any necessary sharp or flat signs.

Tonic triads: Answer 1

The answers for the tonic triad in each of the following keys.

Tonic triads: Question 2

Write the tonic triad in each of the following keys. Do not use key signatures, but remember to add any necessary sharp or flat signs.

Tonic triads: Answer 2

The answers for the tonic triad in each of the following keys.

Tonic triads: Question 3

Add the correct clef and any necessary sharp or flat signs to each of these tonic triads. Do not use key signatures.


Tonic triads: Answer 3

The answer for adding the correct clef and any necessary sharp or flat signs to each of these tonic triads.

Tonic triads: Question 4

Write the key signature and tonic triad of each of these keys.

Tonic triads: Answer 4

The key signature and tonic triad of each of these keys…

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